Maria Candler
Maria Candler
Richmond, VA USA -TICC, ACC
Richmond, VA, USA
About Me
- Richmond, VA

Maria is a former CEO with twenty-five-plus years of experience coaching and leading teams in complex business environments. In her “second act”, she is grateful to have the opportunity, through North River Coaching, to incorporate her leadership experience, enneagram, and trauma-informed coaching certifications to help people from all backgrounds live a whole and fulfilling life.

"The North River is a special place. It's the place where I learned to sit still after a long, fast-paced, hard-charging career. It's the place where I started to understand my own complex trauma and its impact on my life. Within that stillness and awareness, I began to unravel the patterns that led to workism, perfectionism, burnout, and to be blunt, a disconnection from the joys of life. Learning to be still helped me hear and trust the inner voice that ultimately led me to pursue my passion for trauma-informed care and coaching.

The North River itself has become a metaphorical reminder to keep flowing and floating with life instead of paddling hard upstream."

Areas of Expertise:
• Leadership
• Relationships
• Life Transitions
• LGBTQ Parenting
• Post Traumatic Growth
• Addiction Recovery

In Maria's spare time, she loves spending time with her husband, adult children, and fur babies, traveling, kayaking, having deep talks with friends, reading, writing, and providing support for incarcerated women in recovery programs.
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