Ken McKellar
Ken McKellar
Florida, USA
About Me
- Florida, USA

Ken McKellar is a seasoned leadership and life coach with over 15 years of experience. As a Master Certified Coach (MCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Ken mentors and supervises fellow coaches to help them achieve their full potential. He serves as the Coach Development Lead at Bravely, mentors at the Coach Diversity Institute, NYU, and is an independent coach.
Ken McKellar's journey extends beyond coaching itself. It encompasses the stories of growth, empowerment, and transformation that unfold in the lives of coaches and their clients. His unwavering dedication to coaching excellence continues to have a lasting impact on individuals, creating a ripple effect that resonates throughout the broader community.
With a rich background spanning 25 years in various clinical and corporate settings, Ken's commitment to mentoring and supervising coaches is unwavering. He believes in the ripple effect of coaching, where the impact on one individual extends to their clients and the wider world. His passion for coaching excellence continues to create lasting transformations in the lives of those he guides.

  • Credentials and Certifications

  • Master Certified Coach (MCC) - International Coaching Federation

  • Certified Coach Supervisor - Solutions Academy

  • EMCC Supervision Individual Accreditation (ESIA)

  • EMCC Accreditation: Senior Practitioner

  • International Association of Coaching Certified Coach (IAC-CC)

  • Moving The Human Spirit Certified Trauma Informed Coach (TICC)

  • Center for Credentialing and Education Board Certified Coach (BCC)

  • NLP Comprehensive Master Practitioner Certificate - 1997

  • INLP Center Master Practitioner Certificate - 2019

  • College of Executive Coaching EQ-i 2.0 + EQ 360 Certification

LinkedIn: Ken McKellar
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