Jean Selkirk
Jean Selkirk
California, USA - MBA, CPC/ACC, TICC
California, USA
About Me
- California, USA

My fascination with how people change began a long time ago, leading me to develop myself through various pathways of growth and healing. Bodywork led to therapy, which led to energy-related healing with acupressure and intuitive counseling, and also practicing as a Zen Buddhist. Despite becoming a coach to help others transform, I wondered if I had reached the limit on my own growth and equilibrium until I began exploring the role of trauma in the lives of my clients and in my own life. To my surprise, I discovered entirely new levels of improved functioning for myself. What I had experienced and learned also allowed me to support clients in working through their most vexing issues to regain control over their lives and decision-making processes.

When we've lost our sense of safety to trauma, its absence impacts every facet of our lives, and in ways we may not realize. I found I had been experiencing my life at far less than full feeling capacity. Until I stepped onto the pathway of healing trauma, bringing it out of the shadows in my life and not just coping with its effects, only then did I discover what life and connection could be like from the perspective of safety. But we might not know that we need trauma-informed support until we encounter a situation in our lives that we cannot resolve and have the right type of insight available. For clients who wish to unravel the role of trauma in their lives through coaching, nothing I do is more rewarding than watching them connect the dots between their experiences and the role of trauma, and discovering a path does exist to the life they want.

Currently, I just published the online course "Ever-Present Change" featuring the Your House of Awareness blueprint, and am soon to launch a newsletter on Substack titled: EverPresent Change Reflections: Waking Up through Growing Up.

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