Mariko Gilman
Mariko Gilman
Portland, Oregon, USA - MA, TICC, ACC Candidate
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
About Me
- Portland, Oregon, USA

I am dedicated to helping women of color in the workplace find freedom from toxic systems through trauma-informed professional development coaching. My approach focuses on building awareness, promoting rest, facilitating healing, and fostering empowerment. I bring with me 20 years experience working in cross-cultural communication, international nonprofits and antiracist, inclusive, and equitable leadership development and the lived experience of being a biracial woman of color in the world.

If you're wondering if there’s a safe place out there where you can actually get professional development and personal support without people blaming you or telling you to just ‘be better, try harder, and work smarter’ because you know there are systemic issues at play that won't change by your effort alone and you're looking to be in community with someone who not only understands but can help you navigate (and maybe even thrive) despite all the forces working against you - then you’ve come to the right place. Check out my website to learn more or click here to schedule a complimentary, no obligation discovery call:


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