Nivedita Saxena
TICC PhD Candidate ACC Candidate
+91 9686566079
About Me
Kamataka, India
Hello I am Nivedita and I am based in Bangalore, India. I have 18 years of experience in the space of Learning & Development and I am passionate about people transformation. I am also pursuing P.Hd in behavioral sciences. My journey to become TICC was ignited as I went through big trauma myself and that changed my life forever. I believe that we have inherent potential to heal ourselves and create a future that we want. Truama-informed coaching is a tool which helps people to clear the fog and start seeing their goal clearly. I like work with people and ask questions which will help them to explore deeply and move towards their desired future.
My motto for life is - Heal & Thrive.
Email: niveditasaxena@outlook.com
Phone: +91 9686566079
Hello I am Nivedita and I am based in Bangalore, India. I have 18 years of experience in the space of Learning & Development and I am passionate about people transformation. I am also pursuing P.Hd in behavioral sciences. My journey to become TICC was ignited as I went through big trauma myself and that changed my life forever. I believe that we have inherent potential to heal ourselves and create a future that we want. Truama-informed coaching is a tool which helps people to clear the fog and start seeing their goal clearly. I like work with people and ask questions which will help them to explore deeply and move towards their desired future.
My motto for life is - Heal & Thrive.
Email: niveditasaxena@outlook.com
Phone: +91 9686566079