About Moving the Human Spirit

The global leaders in trauma-informed coaching certification.

Moving the Human Spirit is at the forefront of the industry, offering an ICF-accredited program that equips coaches with the skills to assist clients in navigating and processing trauma within a secure and trusting environment.

With over a decade of experience, we have been dedicated to coaching trauma survivors, serving as steadfast guides for resilience and fostering positive, solution-oriented resolutions. Our commitment to building enduring and gratifying relationships sets us apart. We excel in supporting clients and meeting them wherever they are in their journey.

Through our cutting-edge ICF-accredited program, we cultivate a global network of coaches trained in helping clients process trauma effectively and compassionately. Together, we are shaping a world that comprehends the complexities of trauma and its lasting effects, fostering growth through experiential learning, curiosity, and innovation.

What Sets Us Apart?

At Moving the Human Spirit, our facilitation style maximizes learning and engagement through true adult learning principles, multimodal facilitation, and a balanced approach to expertise and dialogue. The Trauma-Informed Coaching Certification Level 1 has over 70 hours of facilitator-led content and a selective admission process. We offer a comprehensive, enriching, and personalized educational experience.

ICF Accreditation

Our program has successfully met and surpassed the rigorous standards set by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Furthermore, it holds approval from the UK & International Health Coaching Association, making it a recognized avenue for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Our Level 1 training has 106 hours, while most Level 1 courses provide only 60 hours. 106 hours of coach-specific training puts you well on your way to Level 2 or PCC credentialing through the ICF.

True Adult Learning Principles

Our facilitation approach is grounded in the principles of adult learning. We recognize that adults learn best when actively engaged and when the learning is relevant to their experiences. Our programs are designed to be practical, applicable, and immediately useful.

Multimodal Facilitation

Visual: We utilize a variety of visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics, along with diagrams and presentations, to enhance understanding and retention.

Auditory: Our sessions include discussions, lectures, and audio materials

Kinesthetic: We incorporate hands-on activities, role-playing, and movement-based learning.

Extensive Facilitator-Led Content

Our program features over 70 hours of facilitator-led content, ensuring participants receive comprehensive and in-depth training. This extensive content allows us to cover various topics and thoroughly support our learners. Our course facilitators are recognized global leaders in trauma-informed coaching, with a wealth of knowledge and experience to impart.

Expert-Led with Space for Dialogue

While our facilitators are experts in their field, we believe in the power of dialogue and interactive learning. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in discussions, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment.

Selective Admission Process

We maintain a high standard of excellence by accepting only 20 students per cohort. Each student is vetted through an interview process with one of the Co-founders, ensuring all participants are highly committed and well-suited for the program. This conversation supports the new learning by helping them understand which training path is best for them and how our accredited program fits with the ICF (International Coaching Federation)

Trusted by:

Awards & Recognition:

Trauma-Informed Coach Directory

Our certified graduates can join our global network of trauma-informed coaches and promote their services in our online coach directory.

What Do Our Graduates Say?

TICC builds a safe learning platform for participants to engage in trauma-informed learning. The course offers updated scientific knowledge and practical tools to support learners applying effective coaching techniques in any workplace, and work field; at the same time, the learning journey itself can become a trauma healing process in both personal and professional level. The facilitators and organizers are supportive to everyone. I enjoyed the learning process and meet other great professionals who have similar interests.

Keybi, TICC Graduate

All I can say is: Wow. I enrolled in this course at the recommendation of a friend, hoping to gain some wisdom, skills, and insight into coaching in general, and wanted a trauma-informed lens. This course (TICB and TICC) gave me that and then some! Not only was I learning, but I was doing some own inner healing. This was one of the most eye-opening, mind-blowing and incredible experiences of my life!

Marisa D, TICC Graduate

Every person experienced trauma, whether they’re aware of it or not. The TICC coaching model enables coaches to FULLY meet their clients where they are. Whether you want to work directly with clients who are aware of their trauma or you want to work with the general public or even in a business or corporate setting…trauma will find its way into the conversation when the space is safe. It’s imperative to know how to hold that space. TICC shows you how. I left this program fully confident that I can coach anyone on anything.

Amy, TICC Graduate